Compiled by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, two stories about hormonal IUD introduction - one in Zambia and one in Rwanda - capture the varied ways in which government leaders and their partners have ensured system readiness and provider capacity.
Rwanda began introduction planning for hormonal IUD in 2020, and introduction activities in 2022. Over the course of two years (2022-2024), the hormonal IUD was fully scaled up across the country. 51 hospitals and 513 health centers are now equipped to offer the method to their patients. The one-page case study, available here, describes Rwanda's approach to hormonal IUD introduction and its current status.
Since the initiation of national scale-up of the hormonal IUD in Zambia in October 2021, nearly half of the country's targeted healthcare facilities have been trained to offer the method, and more than 27,000 new users have received a hormonal IUD. The case study, available here, captures the experience of Audrey Chilambe, a nurse and family planning provider at Kanyama General Hospital in Lusaka, counselling clients on the new FP option and completing insertion and removal for adopters.